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Ant Control

Ant control is an issue for many homes in Dorset. The common black ant are one of a small handful of insects that nest outside in grass, under paving and in walls, but are likely to enter our homes/premises regularly on a mission to find food.

Ant seeking out food in the house.
Ant Control Black ants

Eggs are laid in late spring and the white larvae hatch between 3 -4 weeks later.

A nest may persist for several years.

SCPC will locate and eradicate the nest in order to control the infestation.

Ant control using insecticide, spraying and gel treatments.

This video shows our insecticide gel in action recently at a property in Bournemouth, Dorset:

SCPC uses the Exodus ULV Machine – it passes the treatment liquid through a specially designed unit, which generates an airborne mist of fine droplets. These droplets permeate the treated area and settle out onto surfaces. Seeking out and killing the ants more efficiently than other treatments.

If you are experiencing problems with Ants or other pests then please contact us on 01202 604682 to discuss your specific requirements. Or email us at

We look forward to helping you……….don’t leave it to the pests!

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